SHARMA KAUSTUBH GOPAL || Candidate for General Secretary Technology || 2019–2020
To Conduct an Introductory Workshop ( Seminar ) on Technology General
To increase the participation and competition in Technology General
Championship and Open IIT (technology) events and provide a basic insight about the
Technology General Championship and Open IIT (technology) events to all the students.
1. The hosts of the seminar would be the General Secretary Technologies and they would design the flow of the seminar.
2. Each Technology Secretary will contact the winners of events of his/her respective Cup in the immediate previous Technology General Championship to present them in the introductory Workshop (Seminar).
3. We will contact the alumni and the students who have who have excelled in the field of Technology to come and give a guest lecture.
4. Display of event based projects and models by the research groups and societies.
5. The workshop would be conducted after the induction program and prior to the Open IIT technology events.
1. The Workshop (Seminar) has a main aim of attaining the focus of the students in the campus who do have good knowledge.
2. The 4 Technology secretaries would be responsible for the publicity of the seminar among the Under Graduate, Post Graduate and Research Scholar students.
1. Most of the incoming first year students, Post Graduate and Research Scholars do not have much idea or knowledge of the events taking place in the technology general championship and open IIT, hence a seminar like this would give an insight into the various tech events and increase its participation.
1. Interaction with the General Secretaries of some of the Hall of Residences and they all had the same issue that the first year of their respective halls do not have enough knowledge about the Technology General Championship and it would be beneficial if they would have a workshop for doing so.
2. Interaction with the current Inter IIT Contingent Captain and have discussed the idea with him regarding the workshop.
3. Interaction with the Vice President, Technology Students’ Gymkhana, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur regarding the feasibility of the conduction of the workshop (seminar).
4. Interaction with the participants of the Technology General Championship and the captains of the respective events.
To conduct event related workshops based on the facets of business, management, finance and technology in different cities across India.
Started in 2004, Kshitij was conceived with the aim to provide the technically inclined youth a national-level platform, where their talent and expertise would be recognized and rewarded.
Having grown exponentially since its nascent years, Kshitij receives overwhelming participation from the student community all over the world.
In line with this motto, by conducting event related workshops in different regions of India, we will be able to provide the participants with the knowledge of our events to prepare them to compete with other participants across the country.
The core team members along with the Kshitij campus affiliates will be conducting the workshop.
Societies like Robotix have associated with Kshitij in the past, conducting different events and workshops. This time too we plan to associate with robotix, Business Club and Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT KHARAGPUR to conduct the workshops in various regions across
The expenditure of the workshop will be covered by obtaining local sponsorship in the different regions, wherein Kascade is being held.
We’ll contact the expertise in the above mentioned fields to deliver the guest lecture on topics of finance and business management.
Event related workshops will be conducted in different cities in India.
(Probable: Bhubhaneshwar, Patna, Ranchi, Durgapur)
The workshops will be related to different robotics, finance, business, management related events of KSHITIJ.
The details of the workshops would be publicized through the social media platforms of Kshitij and through media articles in leading newspapers.
1. We had called participants during the December period and we learnt that most of them do not have much idea about the events. They do not know about the technicality of most of the events and hence they wanted a headstart before the fest.
2. Interaction with professors from few colleges of Kolkata and Bhubaneshwar gave us similar ideas.
3. Interaction with the governor and the members of Technology Robotix Society.
4. Interaction with the governor and the members of Business club.
5. Interaction with the assistant professors and the students of Vinod Gupta School Of Management, who are experienced in conducting the seminars.
6. The success of Kolkata workshops that we conduct every year gave me the motivation to conduct this in different cities.
To use the feasible and viable submissions of Product Design event of Technology General Championship in a channelized direction.
To use the feasible and viable submissions of Product Design event of Technology General Championship in channelized direction and hence, to increase the enthusiasm of participants and participation in the event, thus promoting the local innovation ecosystem in the campus by forwarding the submissions to Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship for
molding the so in a real working model.
1. We will be contacting the professor(s) from Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship to invite him/her as a judge for the event.
2. There will be four judges instead of three in the Product Design event of Technology General Championship.
3. The professor (Judge) will check the entrepreneurial aspects ranging from economical to feasible aspects of submissions, and thus, will increase the participation of the students in the event.
7. This will create various opportunities for the students thus creating pathway to the entrepreneurial world.
8. Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship will also be able to achieve an increase in number of students thus enhancing the innovative culture under their roof.
9. This will create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem in the campus thus securing an able position in the Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA).
Secretary of Innovation Subcommittee, Technology Students’ Gymkhana, will be contacting the judge for the event. The judge will verify the feasibility and viability of the submissions. The selected idea(s) will forwarded to Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship and, under the guidance of the professor, the idea will be executed to shape it in a real working model.
The school will provide a common platform to all the innovations which would help Institutions Innovation Council to secure a ranking in ARIIA.
1. The expenses for the execution of idea will be borne by Sponsored Research & Industrial Consultancy, IIT Kharagpur.
1. Interaction with the professor of Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering
Entrepreneurship about the same.
2. Interaction with the current Inter IIT Contingent Captain and the Vice Captain and discussion of the proposed idea.
3. Interaction with the participants of the event of the Product Design and the Captains.
Institutions’ Innovation Council : To promote the local Innovation ecosystem around the campus for Higher Educational Institutes (HEIs)
Thus to maintain the ARIIA ranking of the Institute, MHRD.
Disclaimer: The format and content of all the Proposals are given by the candidates only. No editing has been done by Awaaz.