Devendra Patidar|| Candidate for General Secretary Sports & Games|| 2019–2020

Awaaz, IIT Kharagpur
5 min readMar 29, 2019


Proposal 1: Introduction of IIT KHARAGPUR sports web portal

Aim of the program:

- To introduce a web portal for the following activities:-

a)Booking online slots for Lawn Tennis, Squash, Gym, Pool, and Swimming

b)Increasing the exposure of freshers towards squash and Lawn Tennis by introducing weekly training sessions with PTI and experienced players.

c)Regular updates on Interhall and Inter IIT activities

d)Blogs from alumni sharing their experiences about the sporting culture of IIT Kharagpur

e)Contact details of vendors providing sports equipments

f)Blog on affordable nutrition and diet that can be followed by students


a)Once the office bearers are elected, in consultation with the Tech coordinator and Photography Secretary, the basic framework shall be prepared during the summer breaks

b)In the month of July before the beginning the session, the respective stakeholders shall be contacted with the website and slots and timings shall be updated


a)It would reduce the shoe leather costs as the applicants can fill the application from their room

b)It would reduce the processing time and unnecessary paperwork

c)It would improve the sporting scene by allowing freshers to indulge in weekly practice sessions with the PTI and Experienced Players.

d)All the required information and guidelines regarding the sporting activity can be brought under a single banner

e)It would help in digitization of all the managerial sports activities which will provide all the participants an ease in documentation and reduction in paperwork thus they can focus more on improving the sporting activities and it will also help in increase in participation of students from Phd students.


Mr. Dibya Prakash Das (Technology Coordinator, Technology Students’ Gymkhana), Dr. Susanta Kumar Panda (Senior Sports Officer, Technology Students’ Gymkhana), Mr. Harsh Saraf (General Secretary, Sports and Games, Technology Students’ Gymkhana 2017–18)

Proposal 2: ​Increase the participation of POST GRADUATE and RESEARCH

SCHOLAR by appointment of POSTGRADUATE and RESEARCH SCHOLAR representative

Aim of the program:

-To increase the participation of Post Graduate and Research Scholar Students in the domain of sports

-To appoint a PG and RS representative for Sports and Games

Present Scene:

-There has been a lack of involvement of the Research Scholar and Post Graduate Student Community in Sports because of lack of information.

-The existing position of ‘post-graduate representative of sports and games’ is currently unappointed.


-President will call for a meeting of the Executive Council to vote upon the selected applicants.

-Application Forms will be floated through The Gymkhana Facebook page and will also be mailed through The Vice President, Technology Students Gymkhana.

-To increase the number of applications PTIs will be contacted and shall be asked to pass on the information to the PG and RS students in the team.


-Involvement of the PG-RS Student community in the sporting culture would reduce the level of stress and will break the monotony of their research work.

-Increased participation will also lead to recruitment in the Inter IIT contingent as per the talent

-PG and RS Representatives shall work towards increasing awareness about the sporting activities among the Post Graduate Community by the proper dissemination of information.

-All this will increase the overall sports culture of IIT Kharagpur by increasing participation in the Post Graduate Community


Mr. Mohit Pundir (Post Graduate Representative to the Institute Senate), Mr. Piyush Agrawal (General Secretary, Sports and Games, Technology Students’ Gymkhana 2018–19), Mr. Ayush Gurjar (General Secretary, Sports and Games, Technology Students’ Gymkhana 2016–17)

Proposal 3: ​Inclusion of E-Sports for the Student Community of IIT KHARAGPUR

Aim of the program:

-Introduction of E-Sports into the Sports domain of IIT KHARAGPUR

Present Scene:

-There are currently no such events taking place on the campus by The Gymkhana, IIT Kharagpur.

-E-Sports events are organized only during Spring Fest and Kshitij.


a)A 2-day event for E-sports thrice a year

b)During the autumn semester, it shall be conducted during the months of August and October and in the Spring semester during March

c)Proper authorities shall be called to conduct the event


-Will make people come out of their rooms and engage in different activities and interact with each other

-It may help people believe in themselves by providing them with a sense of feeling that they are good at something

-There is high chance that E-sports will be included as demonstration sport in olympics 2024 to be held in Paris. Hence, it will provide us an edge in preparing students with these skills. I strongly hope that a team of IIT KGP students will represent India at E-sport event


Mr. Marmik Devadiya (Core Team Head, Spring Fest 2019), Mr. Shubham Garg (Core Team Head, Kshitij 2019), Mr. Aditya Prasad (Team Member, XRIG)

Proposal 4: Conduction of a SWIMMING SURVIVAL CAMP to equip the students with basic swimming and survival skills, throughout the academic year 2019–2020.

​Aim of the program:

-To equip the students with basic swimming skills to help them in emergency situations.

-To promote the sport of swimming among the students.

-Targets the overall well being of the IIT KGP student community

The Present Scene:

-There have been recent incidents in the past that have thrown light on how the basic knowledge of swimming could have prevented those mishaps.

-Swimming is a basic survival skill which will always find implication at some point of time.

-There has been a lack of awareness among the students regarding the importance of swimming.

-At present, no such camp is being organized within the institute, which makes it quite necessary to take a step towards its initiation.


-Registration links would be provided so as to make a rough assessment of the number of students willing to turn up for the camp.

-Swimming camps/workshops shall be conducted over the entire academic year in about 6–7 short sessions of 4–5 days each.

-​The camps would be organized under the aegis of Technology Aquatics Society (TAS).

-They would be supervised by the concerned PTI, trainers and the senior players of the Inter IIT aquatics team.

-Depending upon the number of interested students, the number of camps may be increased or decreased, in consultation with the concerned PTI.

-The interested students would have to get themselves medically approved by the doctors of BC ROY Technology Hospital, the provision for which shall be made flexible by contacting the concerned doctors.

-Each session would take a limited number of students to ensure smooth conduct.

(TIMELINE: Entire autumn semester, primarily in the month of October and Spring Semester, in the months of March and April.)


-The biggest positive to be extracted from this camp is that students would learn to survive in emergent situations, leading to drastically reduced damage to life.

-Increased awareness and the ability to tackle such situations will altogether drive us to be a smart and safe KGP community.


Mr. Amresh Mondal (Physical Training Instructor, Aquatics), Mr. Indresh (Aquatics Team, IIT Kharagpur), Mr. Raj Prabhu (Aquatics Team, IIT Kharagpur)

Disclaimer: The format and content of all the Proposals are given by the candidates only. No editing has been done by Awaaz.



Awaaz, IIT Kharagpur
Awaaz, IIT Kharagpur

Written by Awaaz, IIT Kharagpur

The campus media body of IIT Kharagpur

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