Department Change Statistics 2019–20
Every engineering aspirant has a dream of clearing JEE and getting admission into IITs. However, many students are not able to get their desired branch and hence, wish to get a department change at the end of their first year. In contrast to our good old JEE days, this is not a rat race to the top branches. Since the students have access to almost all the information that they desire from seniors, books, professors, and their peer group, they no longer follow the mob mentality. Unlike the choice filling in JOSAA, a department change is an informed strategic academic decision based on an individual’s interests, potential, and skills where no passivity is involved.
This year witnessed the cut-throat competition for the desired change due to the increase in department cut-offs as only theory subjects were considered. According to the department change list for the academic session 2019–20, a total of 159 students successfully changed their department. This number is the highest ever and is a direct consequence of the increase in the number of students in the college.
Awaaz, IIT Kharagpur brings to you the Department Change statistics for the year 2019–20.
Since every department can only accommodate a limited extra number of students, the competition becomes tough. Students must score high enough CGPA to get their department changed. The number of people entering and exiting each department is as follows:
We can notice again a remarkable 13.6% increase in the number of students securing a department change. Here you can see the comparison of the last 6 years: