Candidate for General Secretary Social and Cultural | Soumya Patel | 2019–20

Awaaz, IIT Kharagpur
6 min readMar 28, 2019



I propose to introduce a Social and Cultural newsletter which would increase awareness among students about different social and cultural activities on the campus.


Our institute has a variety of social and cultural activities throughout the year. A lot of these events does not get much attention as they should, due to a lack of awareness among students. There are also many outcomes of these events which do not get transmitted to the student community and hence affects the impact of the event. There exists a great necessity to make the student community aware of these events, which will also help in increasing the participation in these events as well.

A Social and Cultural Newsletter aims to increase awareness among students, especially Research Scholars and Postgraduate Students, about various social and cultural activities on campus. It would also help is transmitting the outcomes of these events to the student community.


The implementation of this proposal would be carried out in the following manner.

● Secretary, Journal and Secretary, Design(Social and Cultural) Technology Students Gymkhana under the guidance of General Secretary, Social and Cultural, Technology Students Gymkhana will be responsible for the preparation of Social and Cultural Newsletter.

● The Newsletter will be released once every semester. In the Autumn semester, the newsletter will be released after Illumination and Rangoli. In the Spring semester, the newsletter will be released in the first week of April after the completion of General Championship Social and Cultural.

● Every society under General Secretary, Social and Cultural, Technology Students Gymkhana will be given a section in the newsletter to present the activities conducted by them in the campus.

● The Newsletter will have details about all the social and cultural activities including Open IIT, General Championship, Inter IIT, Illumination, Rangoli, Gardening and activities of all the societies that come under the social and cultural genre.


● A Social and Cultural Newsletter will help in creating awareness among students about the various social and cultural activities and encourage them to participate in it.

● The Newsletter will help convey the rules, results, judge’s advice and outcomes of the events to the student community.

● The Newsletter can also be used to connect our Alumni by telling them about the activities on the campus.

● The first Newsletter will cover open IIT events, Illumination & Rangoli, productions of all societies etc. which will promote these events and will provide recognition to each and every student who have put their efforts with dedication.

● The second Newsletter will cover Inter-IIT Cultural meet, General Championship Social-cultural, Gardening Competition, Outstations and performances of Societies etc. which will pave the way for new improvements.


The following people have encouraged this idea:

● Nishok Kumar Sundaressan(Governor, Eastern Technology Music Society)

● Bhushan Deshmukh(Governor, Western Technology Music Society)

● Pranay Kumar Mahapatra(Governor, Technology Dance Society)

● Shivam Rohila(Governor, Hindi Technology dramatics society)


I propose to introduce events namely Mono-act and Standup comedy in OPEN IIT.

As stand-up comedy and mono-act events are a part of the inter-IIT meet and have a huge audience in campus, the introduction of these events in Open-IIT will be highly in favour of the student community and will be a suitable platform for enhancing our performance in Inter-IIT Cultural meet.


Being a Technical Institute, ample opportunities exist for the students to develop and pursue careers in technical fields, but very few avenues remain for them to pursue their creative talents. There are many students in campus who find their interests inclined towards public speaking, mono-act or standup comedy but couldn’t pursue them seriously due to the lack of guidance and proper platform. There exists a great necessity for these budding artists to be able to portray their talents and excel in these fields.

Introduction of these events aims to provide these opportunities and the necessary motivation for the students to explore and master the fields of visual and performing arts. This would create a platform for them to portray, pursue and excel in their chosen field through proper guidance of those who already have stable backgrounds in these fields.


● This will definitely serve as a proper platform for participants who are interested in mono-act and standup-comedy.

● As these events are part of the inter-IIT cultural meet, participants from our institute will be definitely more prepared and confident than before.

● If included in open IIT, these events will experience ample and quality participation as well as a huge number of audience and will lead to genuine participants in inter-iit cultural meet.

● This will help us build the student community with the same and unique interest and boosts students’ involvement in campus and social-cultural events.

Rules and Regulations(Mono-act):

● This is going to be an individual event. The participants have to present a mono-act on any theme.

● There can be one person to assist with the sounds and a maximum of two people to assist with the lights.

● Time limit: 5 minutes (for actual performance) + 2 minutes (stage setup)

● The act can be in English or Hindi or both. The participant can perform mime as well.

● Props are allowed but shall hold no significance in scoring.

● Participants are expected to bring their own music on CD or pen drive for the act.

● Only instrumental music is allowed.

● No naked flames or live animals are allowed on stage.

● Obscenity is left to the judge’s discretion.

● The judge’s decision will be final and binding.

Rules and Regulations(Stand-up Comedy):

● This is an individual event.

● The event will be conducted in one round.

● Each participant will be provided with a maximum of 5 minutes.

● Participants need to perform in Hindi or English or Both.

● Judging criterion will be mainly based on creativity, presentation and humour.

● Decisions of judges will be final and binding in case of any conflict.


● These events shall be conducted by the Dramatics secretary under the guidance of General Secretary Social and Cultural.

● Judges will be arranged by the Dramatics Secretary.


This year Open IIT Short Filmmaking was introduced for the first time and the contingent bagged gold in Inter IIT Cultural Meet for Short Filmmaking. I have talked to the current General Secretary Social and Cultural Mr. Vaibhav Khatwani and Mr. Harshvardhan Mittal Inter IIT Cultural Meet 2018 Contingent Captain Mr. Utkarsh Sinha. They have encouraged this idea by seeing the improvements after the conduction of open IIT Short Film Making.


I propose to initiate Live Streaming of all GC events which aims to increase participation and transparency in GC events.


Since a lot of the GC events do not receive much attention, awareness about them remains limited to only those who have been participating for previous years.

The Talented participants do not receive much-needed exposure amongst the community.


The Secretary responsible for the event will ensure live streaming under the guidance of G.Sec So-Cult.

The equipment for Streaming will be provided by Gymkhana Photography Secretary.


Live Streaming of these events from the Cultural IIT KGP, Facebook Page will expand its reach to a larger portion of KGP population. This will ensure a greater audience and thus will increase participation and overall competitiveness of the event.

Participants will receive exposure in the community. This will ensure transparency in results.


The following people have encouraged this idea:

● Amit Shegokar(General Secretary, Social and Cultural of Nehru Hall of Residence)

● Piyush Khandekar(General Secretary, Social and Cultural of Patel Hall of Residence)

● Lokesh Gohil(General Secretary, Social and Cultural of Radhakrishnan Hall of Residence)

● Atrayee Majumder(General Secretary, Social and Cultural of Sister Nivedita Hall of Residence)

● Abhishek Sarda(General Secretary, Social and Cultural of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Hall of Residence)

Disclaimer: The format and content of all the Proposals are given by the candidates only. No editing has been done by Awaaz.



Awaaz, IIT Kharagpur
Awaaz, IIT Kharagpur

Written by Awaaz, IIT Kharagpur

The campus media body of IIT Kharagpur

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