Apurv Gupta|| Candidate for General Secretary Sports & Games|| 2019–2020
Proposal 1
●Installation of fitness and training equipment at various sports venues such as sports stadiums and courts
●Conduction of intra hall sports activities involving various games such as futsal, gully cricket, kho-kho, kabaddi at regular intervals during the semester
AIM-To increase the level of fitness and activeness among the students through consistent involvement in sports activities along with a specific emphasis on ensuring better fitness training for the players involved in various sports and games.
OVERVIEW- It’s been a long while when the issue of lack of proper training facilities for the sports players has been prevalent in our campus. Apart from the Gym in the Technology Students Gymkhana, the players have been unable to pursue organized and concerted fitness training before regular practice which directly affects their match performance. Hence to overcome this issue, I propose the installation of fitness and training equipment at various sports venues including Tata Sports Complex, Basketball Court and Volleyball Court. There is a need to develop the sports culture in our campus by ensuring active participation of students in sports and games. To contribute towards the cause, I propose the conduction of intra hall recreational sports activities at regular intervals to ensure that fun and fitness go hand in hand.
CURRENT SCENARIO- There is a lack of availability of proper training equipment at the major sporting venues. As a result, the players aren’t able to pursue proper training which has a direct impact on their performance and leads to unnecessary wastage of time searching for other alternatives. On the general perspective, there has been a lack of participation by the students due to lack of opportunities. While the sports General Championship does a commendable job towards the development of sports culture in college, yet most of the students aren’t able to take part in the organized sports events. The intra hall tournament was organized this year for women in the halls of residence which can be carried further in a more planned way. Also,
recreational sports event has happened in various halls but there is a need to conduct it in a more planned way.
PLAN OF ACTION- The proposed initiative unfolds itself in two varied perspectives. Firstly, I would ensure the establishment of the fitness equipment at the sporting venues that would be open for all with a special emphasis on the players during their training sessions. Secondly, I propose to conduct intra-hall sports activities at regular intervals throughout the semester with a fixed date for different halls of residence to ensure maximum participation from the students as well as developing virtues such as team play, leadership etc. with a broad focus on developing sports culture in our campus.
The proposed training and fitness facilities would consist of common gym equipment such as-
●Bench presses to ensure effective upper and lower body training
●Plyo box, Dips Bar and pull up bar for strength training
The proposed conduction of intra hall sports recreational activities is explained as follows-
●Conduction of recreational sports such as futsal, kho-kho, kabaddi in various halls of residence at regular intervals
●Ensuring maximum participation by rewarding the winning team and creating awareness about the importance of fitness among students
BENEFITS- The installation of fitness and training equipment would ensure a proper and concerted training of the players directly benefiting them in ways mentioned below-
●The proposed initiative shall lead to availability of proper training equipment at every major sporting venues ensuring an effective training of the players
●The availability of proper training equipment would provide real time optimized and comprehensive training to every sports player in accordance with their strength and weaknesses as well as ensuring minimal wastage of time that gets used up in training
●The presence of basic gym facilities at various sports venues throughout the campus can be easily used by the general student community for their fitness purpose leading to a major push towards establishing a healthy sports culture in the campus
●The conduction of intra hall sports activities would contribute significantly towards the development of sports culture in the campus as well as improved fitness and health levels of students
Venue: Basketball court and Volleyball court
2*Bench Press: INR 6000
2*Pull-up Bar: INR 1000
2*Dips Bar: INR 3000
8*Plyo box: INR 12000
Venue: TATA Sports Complex
2*Pull-up Bar: INR 1000
2*Dips Bar: INR 3000
8*Plyo box: INR 12000
2*Bench Press: INR 6000
6*Stretching Bands: INR 6000
Total: INR 50000
Proposal 2
●Institutionalisation of self-defence training such as martial arts by including it in NSO
●Formation of various sports clubs such as joggers club, Zumba club, aerobics club, taekwondo club etc.
To develop self defence skills in the students of our campus with a special emphasis on women by institutionalising self-defence and promote various sports through formation of sports clubs to develop a comprehensive sports culture.
Self-defence training such as learning martial arts not only enables an individual to learn combat skills but also enables him to lead an active lifestyle as well as development of character. There would be a special emphasis on women self-defence by providing them a conducive atmosphere to learn martial arts techniques. The awareness about certain modern sports can be increased by formation of clubs such as skating club, taekwondo club etc.
Currently, the karate training in our campus is based on weekly training basis which is lesser known among the student community. A self-defence camp was organised this year from 5th-7thMarch which needs to be carried further and imparted to men as well as women on an institutional basis. The skaters club present in the campus needs to be promoted further along with the establishment of various other sports clubs such as joggers club, Zumba club etc.
I propose to institutionalise the self-defence training by including it in NSO for the freshers from the next year by inserting an additional column and slot for self-defence. For the current students, workshops at regular intervals shall be organised to promote self-defence. Apart from it, to promote fitness and modern sports, formation of various sports clubs is proposed.
●Additional slot in NSO for self-defence for the first years by introducing an additional option in the fresher’s introduction form
●Organisation of self-defence workshops for undergraduates, postgraduates as well as research scholars with a special emphasis on women to provide them the required training throughout the semester
●Formation of clubs for modern sports such as taekwondo, Zumba, aerobics etc. to increase awareness among people as well as promoting the sports by including them in Open-IIT sports event
●The conduction of self-defence training sessions at regular intervals would not only lead to increased fitness and development of character, but also provide them the necessary skills to defend themselves in dangerous situations
●Considering the current conditions of our society with a significant increase of crime rates on women, the organisation of workshops at regular intervals would impart them the skills and strength to defend themselves in future
●The formation of sports clubs would not only increase awareness of modern sports among people but also increase their fitness levels by ensuring active participation in these events.
Proposal 3:
Sports week for Postgraduate and research scholars
To increase the participation of postgraduate students and research scholars in sports and to have as many of them as possible, involved in the sports culture of our campus.
To increase the participation of postgraduate and research scholars in the selection process for Inter IIT sports meet.
Given their busy schedules and hefty academic workloads, postgraduate students and research scholars find it relatively harder to involve themselves in sports activities held on our campus. Hence, their participation in sports over the years hasn’t been as much as it could’ve been. As of now, there is the intramural swimming competition followed by tournaments in other sports like badminton, cricket and football which are held in January and are exclusive to research scholars. While this is enough to increase incentive among research scholars to involve themselves in sports, it leaves the postgraduate students’ scenario unattended. Hence, this proposal is crucial to bring about greater incentive among both, postgraduate students and research scholars to involve themselves better in sports events.
The sports week will consist of tournaments in various sports like cricket, football, badminton, table tennis, lawn tennis and volleyball.
The intramural swimming competition will be held as usual but its participants will then include postgraduate students as well.
These sports events which would be held in the sports week will be exclusive to postgraduate students and research scholars and it will be held towards the end of January.
The tournaments held in the sports week will be held department wise.
We will be awarding the best players in every sport event with medals or trophies.
Also, the tournaments held in that week would be keenly watched by Physical Training Inspectors(PTI) and Inter IIT players. This will help increase the participation of postgraduate students and research scholars in Inter IIT sports meet as well.
This will increase the participation of research scholars and postgraduate students in sports events, thereby increasing their involvement in the sports culture of our campus as they would have
This will also increase their participation in the selection process for the Inter IIT sports team.
The monetary requirements for the tournaments will be met by the funds which were previously allotted for the research scholars’ sports meet.
The awards and trophies would constitute for an additional cost of 8000 rupees.
Disclaimer: The format and content of all the Proposals are given by the candidates only. No editing has been done by Awaaz.